How my audio mixing template is pulling in extra money on Fiverr

So I recently joined Fiverr to see what all the fuss was about. What I found out is Fiverr is a great website to become a freelancer on. The business system is easy to use and user friendly once you get in and the great part about the system, there is no money needed to start selling on the platform. All you need is a skill to sell and a bank account to collect your money and you can start selling within minutes from the comfort of your own home..

I kicked off my Fiverr selling campaign with a mixing and mastering gig just to test the waters. A short time later I was a level one seller on the platform. Before I started selling I had to develop a mixing template to increase my workflow and organize my sessions. So after sitting at my desk for weeks surfing the web for the best mixing templates I decided I would create my own, just for the hell of it. The videos on Youtube are good, don't get me wrong, but they don't give you that human interaction a lot of us engineers want to elevate our craft.

I put a mixing template together as a security net just incase I got into a jam but what happened next was that I was able use this template for all of my sessions on and off of Fiverr.


After testing the template on several clients, it's clear that my template works and I've been getting great reviews on my sound. Now that I know how effective it is I want to help you develop the same mixing template to help out with your productions. 

Here's how it works:

This is a 4hr 1-on-1 consultation session. I will help you build the same mixing template I'm currently using to process mixing and mastering gigs I receive on Fiverr. Not only will I help you build it, but I will show you how to use it. 

NOTE: This is for the Studio One DAW only. The techniques I'm using is making money, (check the reviews.) THIS IS A PLUG AND PLAY TEMPLATE


What's included? 

I will work 1-on-1 with you virtually, to help you build your mixing template which includes: 

  • Speeding up your workflow
  • Organizing your session
  • Vocal chain processing 
  • Bus routing 
  • Automation
  • Vocal special effects 

BE ADVISED: These sessions will not be recorded, this is an advance level training This is hands on learning. 

What you will need: 

  • Studio One DAW 
  • Upgraded 3rd party VST plugins (Waves, fab filter, Soundtoys, UAD, etc.)
    • [Stock plugins will not work]
  • Waves CLA Vocals 
  • Zoom, Microsoft team, etc. 

I am at your service, if you have any questions please let me know.